Dr. Balaji Asegaonkar
Department of Anesthesia
Consultant Anesthesiologist
Clinical Experience:
Consultant Anesthesiologist:
From August2002 till date works as counsutant anaesthesiologist , Aurangabad. Works in multispeciality like Cardiac, NeurosurgerY, etc. Ihave done 2000 open heart cases including CABG ( Beating as well as on pump ) , valve replacement, congenital heart lesions repairs , cases of Deep circulatory arrest . Also done various lung cases like pneumanectomy , lobectomy etc.Apart from this I have keerr interest in paediatric anaesthesia. I have done number of paediatric cases like cleft palate ,cleft lip,congenital anomaly correction etc.
Junior anesthesiologist :
Dept. of Cardiac anaesthesia ruby Hall Clinic , Pune.is one of the [usiest cardiothoracic anaesthesia in the country. It has doing 1200 cases per year. It has got very modern infrastructure & most advanced monitoring facilities. Clilical Assistant : P.D. Hinduja National Hosp. & Research Centre , Mumbai. Here I d worked in Neuro & Cardiac Anaestesia in rotation under the supervision of Sr.Clonsultants Dr.Butani , Dr.Mandke etc”
Trainee in Anaesthesia:
Govt. Medical College Aurangabad
International Publications:
- Perioperative management of cleft palate repair in a patient with Williams syndrome: case report. open journalof Anesthesiology 2013;3(1) 57-60.
- High – Sensitivity C – reactive protein is associated with Traditional cardiovascular Risk Factors in Indians with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. lnternational Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research. 2013 Volume 4(3):160-66.
- An elderly woman with triple primary metachronous malignancy: a case report and review of literature. International journal of surgery case reports.20l3 volume (4) s93-6.
- Synchronous adenocarcinoma of caecum and sigmoid colon: a case report Research in cancer and tumor 2013,2(l)22-26.
- Management of Malignant Fibrous t{istiocfloma of Thoracic Wall: A Case Report Research In Cancer and Tumor 2013,2(2):35-37 .
- Primary extra-nodalNon-Hodgkin lymphoma of skeletal muscle from thigh. Scholar’s journal of applied medical science. 2013, | (4):295-97.
- Primary Extra Nodal Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of Urinary Bladder: A Case Report and Brief Review Research in Cancer and Tumor 2013,2(3):45-48.
- Overview of Clinical Profile of Carcinoma of Esophagus: A Single Institution Experience. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. 2013
- Thoracic Epidural Anesthesia for Modified Radical Mastectomy in Carcinoma of Breast Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Case Report.Intemational journal of case reports and images.
- Bilateral synchronous breast cancer in an elderly male. Intemational journal of case reports and images.
Ongoing work:
- Comparison of colonoscopy sedation between Midazolam,Fentanyl and Propofol
- Comparison of Onset Time, Intubating Conditions and Hemodynamic Variation Achieved with Rocuronium and Suxamethonium
- Comparison of Bupivacaine and Bupivacaine plus clonindine for Supraclavicular Brachial plexus nerve block
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Research Experience:
- Dissrertation on ” Comparision between Midazolam &Diazepamas premedicant for Ketamine Anaesthesia”
- Same paper was presented at National Conf. of Indian Society of anaesthesiologists at Nagpur 2000.
- Poster on ” Comparision between endtidal COz & PCO2 during beating heart Surgery ” at IACTA 2005 Jaipur.
- Delivered lecture on Arrhythmia & Anaesthesia at at National Conf. of Indian Society of anesthesiologists at Bhuvneshwar, 2003
- Reptesented as panelist at IACTA { cardiac-anaesthesia} Confemce at Kochin ,2004 * conti nuous cardiac output monitoring”
- Conducted workshop on ” ECG for anaesthetist” at NEMACON Mumbai 2006 Oct. Delivered lectures at city branch Aurangabad
- Delivered lecture on sevoflorane at city branch Dhule on world anaesthesia day l6 oct 2007.
- Talked on ” how to evaluate post CABG Pt for non cardiac surgery” at MISACON 2008 at Akola
- Conducted workshop on “Passing Line as an expert” at NEMAACON 2008 at Mumbai .
- Got first prize for case presentation at NEMAACON 2008- Anaesthesia management of patient of pulmonary malformation posted for spine surgery.
- Was chairperson for panel discussion on “Perioperative diabetes management” at state diabetologist conference at Aurangabad 2009
- Talked on murmur and anaesthesia at West zone anaesthesia conference. At Akola in sept 2009
- Was panelist at same conference for panel discussion on IHD and Anaesthesia.
- Conducted workshop on haemodynamic monitoring at WAD200g,Mumbai,conference. Also involved as panelist in the same conference.
- Attended International Conference on fluid management “FRACTA” at Bejing,China in May 2010.
- Conducted workshop at Indian society of anaesthesiologist National conference “ISA.CON 20I1″on Haemodynamic monitoring.Delivered lecture and demonstration on CVP catheter insertion
- Involve as panelist for ” Anaesthesia for Vascular Surgery” at ISACON20I l held at Munrbai ,Dec 2011.
- Involve as panelist for ” How to manage VIP patients” at [SACON2011 held at Mumbai ,Dec 2011.
- Worked as Editor for compiling Souvenir lror at ISACON2OI I held at Mumbai ,Dec 2011.
- Delivered lecture on ‘Can we manage CABG only with CVP Line” at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai in Cardiac anesthesia CME
- Delivered lecture on “Arterial Lines and I’ansducers” at MISACON 2012, Kolhapur
- Case report’oAnesthetic Considerations for Wilm’s Tumor with Intracardiac Extension: Case Report” was presented as E-poster in t7ft National conference of IACTA, Mumbai 2014
- Chairperson for lTth National conference o1’IACTA, Mumbai 2014
- Member of International Anaesthesia & Research Society
- Member of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist
- Member of Indian Society of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologist
- Member of Indian Society of Critical care medicine
- Member of Indian Medical Association